Are these "average roster heights" weighted by minutes played?

Does keeping a 7'0" or a 5'10" guy on the bench all season long affect the average roster height? What if a team trades a 5'10" guy for a 7'0" guy midway through the season?

I wonder if a better comparison might be a comparison of 5 man lineups DRTG and ORTG compared to that lineup's height.

The "small ball" warriors had Javale McGee, but he wasn't part of the death lineups.

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The Dean Oliver lineups are weighted by minutes played.

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Also, note that he only analyzed roster data through 2004. Weighting by minutes played would probably yield similar results to lineup data.

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I suspect you're right, but I wonder if it might help tease out some interesting details.

Again going back to the small-ball warriors -- they played that death lineup infrequently. Their overall defensive rating might only look marginally better than the rest of the league over the whole season, but that lineup in particular might have a very different avg height and avg defensive rating.

Meanwhile, the warriors kept height on the floor for much of the game, keeping their minutes-weighted avg height higher.

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Alright you win, I will do a Warriors death lineup breakdown hahaha.

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